
35 de Teme (premium) pentru website-ul tau pe WordPress

Pentru ca lucrez des cu temele premium (aka cele platite) de WordPress, m-am gandit sa adun (mai jos) cateva dintre cele pe care le gasesc mai interesante. Am mentionat, mai precis, demo-urile pe care le consider potrivite domeniului de activitate indicat.

Regaseste, asadar, 7 arii de activitate cu cate 5 demo-uri (si temele aferente), selectionate si conform criteriilor mai tehnice de care e bine sa tii cont cand alegi o tema pentru website-ul tau. Privind acest subiect, poti citi aici mai multe – Cum alegem o tema pentru website? .


Daca vrei sa-ti lansezi un blog (indiferent de topic) sau sa-l refaci pe cel actual, iti propun modelele de mai jos.

Sunt, de asemenea, potrivite si pentru reviste sau servicii de creatie de text (copywriting).

CheerUp – Food, Blog & Magazine

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/cheerup-blog-magazine-wordpress-blog-theme/16430770

Demo-ul sugerathttps://cheerup.theme-sphere.com/rovella/

CheerUp-Food, Blog-Magazine-Tema premiun WordPress denisamigit.ro

Groovy – Modern & Lightweight Blog for WordPress

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/groovy-modern-lightweight-blog-for-wordpress/42876785

Demo-ul sugerathttps://preview.themeforest.net/item/groovy-modern-lightweight-blog-for-wordpress/full_screen_preview/42876785

Aceasta tema este lansata la inceputul anului curent (2023) si, desi de fel aleg teme care nu sunt asa “tinere”, Groovy – Modern & Lightweight are un design inedit care justifica riscul de a intampina bug-uri rudimentare (care de altfel sunt reparate in versiunile actualizate).

Groovy - Modern Lightweight Blog for WordPress-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro

Maktub – Minimal & Lightweight Blog for WordPress

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/maktub-minimal-lightweight-blog-for-wordpress/38348402

Demo-ul sugerathttps://themes.estudiopatagon.com/wordpress/maktub/home-category-carousel/

Maktub - Minimal Lightweight Blog for WordPress Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro

Squaretype – Modern Blog WordPress Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/squaretype-modern-blog-wordpress-theme/23389898

Demo-ul sugerathttps://squaretypetheme.com/squaretype/

Squaretype - Modern Blog WordPress Theme-Tema Premium denisamigit.ro

Authentic – Lifestyle Blog & Magazine WordPress Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/authentic-lifestyle-blog-magazine-wordpress-theme/16249526

Demo-ul sugerathttps://authentictheme.com/heartbeat/

Authentic - Lifestyle Blog & Magazine WordPress Theme-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro


E bine sa tii cont (cel putin e sugestia mea), cand alegi o tema pentru serviciile de psihologie si/sau terapie, de aspecte pe care e posibil sa le integrezi in viitor (daca nu cumva in momentul crearii ori refacerii website-ului). Acestea ar fi unele precum daca vrei sa lansezi un podcast, daca vrei sa permiti programarile online, daca vrei sa vinzi produse online, daca vrei sa organizezi webinarii/eveniment etc.

O tema prea „tanara” sau ineficient intretinuta de catre autor (vezi cate actualizari are si care e cea mai recenta), care nu le are deja integrate, poate sa nu fie compatibila cu module care permit astfel de functii.

Physio – Physical Therapy & Medical Clinic WP Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/physio-physical-therapy-medical-clinic-wp-theme/14747135 

Link demohttps://preview.themeforest.net/item/physio-physical-therapy-medical-clinic-wp-theme/full_screen_preview/14747135

Physio - Physical Therapy Medical Clinic WP Theme-Tema Premium WordPress-denisamigit.ro

Cerebrum – Trauma Counseling & Psychology WordPress Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/cerebrum-trauma-counseling-psychology-wordpress-theme/43941862

Demo-ul sugerathttps://cerebrum.axiomthemes.com/

Cerebrum - Trauma Counseling & Psychology WordPress Theme-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro

Optima – Psychology and Counseling

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/optima-psychologist-psychology-center-wordpress-theme/21431402

Demo-ul sugerathttps://preview.themeforest.net/item/optima-psychologist-psychology-center-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/21431402

Optima - Psychology and Counseling-Tema Premium WordPress-denisamigit.ro

Talking Minds – Psychotherapist WordPress Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/talking-minds-psychotherapist-wordpress-theme/35321171

Link demohttps://preview.themeforest.net/item/talking-minds-psychotherapist-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/35321171

Talking Minds - Psychotherapist WordPress Theme-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro

Bridge – Creative Elementor and WooCommerce WordPress Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/bridge-creative-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/7315054

Demo-ul sugerathttps://bridge448.qodeinteractive.com/

Aceasta tema este una dintre cele mai bune (si vandute) pe themeforest.net. Vine cu peste 600 de demo-uri dintre care poti alege unul pentru a-l instala si a-l personaliza. Este bine de retinut ca unele teme premium solicita resursele serverului mai mult decat altele, astfel ca e indicat sa ai o gazduire web conform specificatiilor temei. Mai mult, este de preferat ca suportul tehnic sa fie unul ce ofera servicii rapide si calitative – eu lucrez de multa vreme cu cei de la xServers si ii recomand pentru serviciile de suport si customer care in mod special. Ii gasesti aici https://www.xservers.ro/ .

Bridge - Creative Elementor and WooCommerce WordPress Theme-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro


Cred ca un website de cafenea ar fi bine sa atraga vizual si sa ilustreze in mod cat mai realistic (dar placut vizual) ceea ce ofera, fie produse create cu cafea, de patiserie sau altele tangente. De asemenea, e util sa expuna meniul mereu actualizat si localizarea clara (adresa completa, orarul actualizat si pin pe harta dinamica).

Amaya – Coffee Shop WordPress Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/amaya-coffee-shop-wordpress-theme/29556312

Demo-ul sugerathttps://www.amayatheme.redsun.design/roastery/home-5/

Amaya - Coffee Shop WordPress Theme-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro

Kaffa – Cafe & Coffee Shop WordPress Theme + RTL

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/kaffa-coffee-house-wordpress-theme/27288939

Demo-ul sugerathttp://preview.themeforest.net/item/kaffa-coffee-house-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/27288939

Kaffa - Cafe & Coffee Shop WordPress Theme RTL Tema premium-denisamigit.ro

Craft | Coffee Shop Cafe Restaurant WordPress

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/craft-coffee-shop-restaurant-wordpress/27338242

Demo-ul sugerathttps://preview.themeforest.net/item/craft-coffee-shop-restaurant-wordpress/full_screen_preview/27338242

Craft Coffee Shop Cafe Restaurant WordPress-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro

Betheme Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/betheme-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/7758048

Demo-ul sugerathttps://themes.muffingroup.com/be/cafe3/ 

Betheme Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro

Coffee Luck | Cafe, Restaurant & Shop WordPress Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/coffee-luck-coffee-shop-cafe-restaurant/18010229

Demo-ul sugerathttps://preview.themeforest.net/item/coffee-luck-coffee-shop-cafe-restaurant/full_screen_preview/18010229

Coffee Luck Cafe, Restaurant & Shop WordPress Theme-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro


Cand alegi tema pentru website-ul tau de cursuri si/sau workshop-uri e bine sa iei in considerare ca unul dintre cele mai importante aspecte este felul de afisare a cursului, si anume sa tii cont ca e nevoie de toate detaliile ce ajuta in procesul de vanzare, precum descrierea introductiva, agenda, pretul si modalitatea de inscriere. Cu cat sunt mai clare si bine integrate in pagina web, cu atat va fi mai usor sa transmiti mesajul de vanzare.

MaxCoach – Online Courses, Personal Coaching & Education WP Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/maxcoach-online-courses-education-wp-theme/26051639

Demo-ul sugerathttps://preview.themeforest.net/item/maxcoach-online-courses-education-wp-theme/full_screen_preview/26051639

MaxCoach - Online Courses, Personal Coaching & Education WP Theme-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro

Course Builder – Online Course WordPress Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/course-builder-wordpress-learning-management-system-theme-elearning-software/20370918

Demo-ul sugerathttps://coursebuilder.thimpress.com/demo-single-instructor/

Course Builder - Online Course WordPress Theme-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro

DotLife | Coaching Online Courses WordPress

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/dotlife-coach-speaker-wordpress/23858076

Demo-ul sugerat

DotLife Coaching Online Courses WordPress-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro

Efor – Coaching & Online Courses WordPress Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/efor-coaching-online-courses-wordpress-theme/22838389

Demo-ul sugerathttps://themes.pixelwars.org/efor/demo-06/

Efor - Coaching & Online Courses WordPress Theme-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro

Eduma – Education WordPress Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/education-wordpress-theme-education-wp/14058034

Demo-ul sugerathttps://eduma.thimpress.com/demo-wpml/es/

Eduma - Education WordPress Theme-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro


De la servicii de mediu pana la consultanta juridica, website-ul tau de business poate fi oricat de creativ sau formal doresti. Desigur, cu cat este mai bine structurat si sugestiv, cu atat mai usor le este potentialilor clienti sa apeleze la serviciile pe care le oferi.

Tine cont ca serviciile, costurile/preturile (cel putin estimative) si modalitatea de a lua legatura cu tine sunt de scos in evidenta. Foloseste content explicit si precis, creeaza formulare de contact cat mai usor de accesat si tine-ti vizitatorii la curent cu noutatile din domeniul tau pe cat posibil.

Avantage – Business Consulting

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/avantage-consulting-wordpress-theme/23821574

Demo-ul sugerathttps://avantage.bold-themes.com/hr/

Avantage - Business Consulting-Tema Premium WordPress-denisamigit.ro

Nifty – Business Consulting

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/nifty-business-consulting-wordpress-theme/28766239

Demo-ul sugerathttps://nifty.bold-themes.com/bubble/

Nifty Business Consulting-Tema Premium WordPress-denisamigit.ro

Consulting – Business, Finance WordPress Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/consulting-business-finance-wordpress-theme/14740561

Demo-ul sugerathttps://consulting.stylemixthemes.com/kuala-lumpur/

Consulting Business Finance WordPress Theme-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro

Startit – Startup Business Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/startit-a-fresh-startup-business-theme/13542725

Demo-ul sugerathttps://startit.qodeinteractive.com/elementor/app-presentation/

Startit Startup Business Theme Tema Premium denisamigit.ro

Tower | Business WordPress

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/tower-businessdriven-multipurpose-wp-theme/11941335

Demo-ul sugerathttps://preview.codeless.co/tower/creative/new/

Tower Business WordPress Tema Premium denisamigit.ro


Fie ca este un website doar de prezentare ori ca are incorporat si un magazin online, cel dedicat inghetatei (mai ales una foarte buna) este dintre cele mai colorate, creative si vesele modalitati de afisare online. Prin urmare, aspectul website-ului gelateriei tale e indicat sa fie in ton cu sentimentul principal (de cele mai multe ori) ce-i mana pe oameni sa consume inghetata – placerea pura si buna-dispozitie.

Ohlala – Cake Shop, Ice Cream & Juice Bar

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/ohlala-ice-cream-juice-bar-wordpress-theme/20975151

Demo-ul sugerathttps://ohlala.bold-themes.com/main-demo/the-gold-one/the-chocolate-one/

Ohlala Cake Shop Ice Cream Juice Bar-Tema Premium WordPress-denisamigit.ro

SweetMielo – Honey Production and Sweets Delicious WordPress Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/sweet-mielo-honey-production-and-beekeeping-wordpress-theme/22428613

Demo-ul sugerathttp://preview.themeforest.net/item/sweet-mielo-honey-production-and-beekeeping-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/22428613

SweetMielo Honey Production and Sweets Delicious WordPress Theme-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro

Superfood – Organic Food Products Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/superfood-a-vibrant-theme-for-organic-food-and-health-products/19318249

Demo-ul sugerathttps://superfood.qodeinteractive.com/icecream-home/

Superfood Organic Food Products Theme-Tema Premium WordPress-denisamigit.ro

Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/betheme-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/7758048

Demo-ul sugerathttps://themes.muffingroup.com/be/icecream/

Betheme Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro

Bridge – Creative Elementor and WooCommerce WordPress Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/bridge-creative-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/7315054

Demo-ul sugerathttps://bridge294.qodeinteractive.com/

Bridge - Creative Elementor and WooCommerce WordPress Theme-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro


Magazinul online dedicat comertului de articole vestimentare si accesorii poate fi unul dintre cei mai mari consumatori de timp si atentie.

Inainte de a-l crea ori a-l reface asigura-te ca iti asumi un efort sustinut si un buget adecvat. Vei avea succes garantat daca intregul proces ce-l implica pe client este unul clar, cat mai simplificat si onest. Foloseste imagini calitative si detaliate, text descriptiv in abundenta (tot ce tine de materiale, masuri, produse asociate etc.) si politici usor de inteles si mereu actualizate cu noi conditii benefice. Pe langa acestea, retine ca modalitatea de impachetare si livrarea sunt determinante – asigura-te ca sunt asa cum ti-ar placea si tie (cel putin) daca ti-ai fi client.

Desigur, sunt mai multe aspecte pe care e bine sa nu le omiti, astfel ca daca doresti sa afli mai multe putem aborda subiectul intr-o discutie one-to-one online – afla mai multe aici Sesiune de Lamurire – O Discutie Online .

Rey – Fashion & Clothing, Furniture

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/rey-multipurpose-woocommerce-theme/24689383

Demo-ul sugerathttps://demos.reytheme.com/tokyo/

Rey Fashion Clothing Furniture-Tema Premium WordPress-denisamigit.ro

Moderno – Fashion & Furniture Store WooCommerce Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/moderno-fashion-furniture-store-woocommerce-theme/45459282

Demo-ul sugerathttps://parkofideas.com/moderno/demo/

Moderno Fashion Furniture Store WooCommerce Theme-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro

Fana – Fashion Shop WordPress Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/fana-fashion-shop-wordpress-theme/40209250

Demo-ul sugerathttps://el4.thembaydev.com/fana_kids/

Fana - Fashion Shop WordPress Theme-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro

Molly – Fashion Store WooCommerce WordPress Theme

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/molly-multipurpose-woocommerce-wordpress-theme/15300928

Demo-ul sugerathttps://preview.themeforest.net/item/molly-multipurpose-woocommerce-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/15300928

Molly - Fashion Store WooCommerce WordPress Theme-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro

The7 — Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress

Link temahttps://themeforest.net/item/the7-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/5556590

Demo-ul sugerathttps://the7.io/shop/

The7 Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress-Tema Premium-denisamigit.ro


Daca doresti sa afli ce teme premium poti folosi si in alte arii profesionale, imi poti trimite propunerea ta la contact@denisamigit.ro si intr-un material nou o voi include.

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